Bluelight How To Smoke Crack Without A Pipe


I used to be a crack cocaine addict back in the 80s and 90s and although. The best way to clean out a crack pipe so you can smoke the residue is everclear or diesel brand alcohol crack users generally don't go to that trouble they take a little bi. I've noticed that although being on opiates while smoking crack can be an awesome combination, it DOES tend to attenuate (lessen, that is) the high. Benzos even more, and it's not a good euphoriogenic combination like opies and coke. There really isn't much of a 'technique' to putting chore in the stem properly. The pipe-bowl must be detachable from the stem due to the necessity to remove the bowl and scrape its insides clean of opium ash after several pipes have been smoked. The stems of opium pipes were usually made from bamboo, but other materials were used such as ivory, silver and jade, to name a few.

Is there an alternative To Using Ashes and/or “Brillo Pads” When Smoking Crack? Also, can you smoke it using a “dab/oil rig” using either a glass bowl/banger/etc. or can it only be smoked using a tobacco pipe? Also, should it be burned slowly or fast?


I’ve never truly smoked crack as such, I’ve made a pure freebase from cocaine and vaporized that in a glass pipe with a bowl on the end, what you typically see folks vape Ice/meth in rather than the crack pipes I’ve seen in the US – just as you describe where the crack is melted into the brillo stuff……but I’ve always wondered why crack users don’t use the pipes with the bowls on the end, there must be a functional reason for this surely?

I’m an IV guy myself so I really don’t know shit about it but I thought the idea was to not burn and smoke but rather heat and vaporize using a measured approach rather than an aggressive one.

Any other junkies know what the deal is? Take care man.


All of the crack smokers I’ve known, including myself in the past, have used chore as a filter in a glass or metal crack pipe. I’ve never comsidered smoking it in a tobacco pipe before. You can order a durable crack pipe if you poke around on the internets, they’re cheap and don’t break like a glass rose will from heat. Um, i don’t know about using an oil rig at all for it, so I cannot answer that question. It IS supposed to be vaporized although you will doubtlessly come across many different styles and it goes pretty quickly. Once you hear that crackling sound, you know you’re good….


Crack is a powerful substance and I’ve smoked way too much. Been researching for last couple of months how to get the most from my crack and various methods using ash. Tried all advice and suggestions of ways to burn how hard to toke what is better bottle,can,inhaler anything to get the most from my crack cocaine on various forums. I have today found the answer. Before I answer this I want to educate or maybe help someone who has just started using or thinking of using. Show this drug the upmost respect I have used on and off for ten years. Unfortunately for me it’s taken hold and I’m struggling to stop. It has got me big time 😕.. so plz be careful. Recently found new supplier and all the ways and different techniques I tried ammount to nothing. If you have decent crack it will smoke exactly how it should. No residue left behind and the hit your looking for its as simple as that. Air tight bottle, foil, ash soft toke and flame on and off so it doesn’t burn too quickly. So it’s all about quality.

Ask an Addict! Back to Search. They smoke crack. Life can be wonderful without it.

Georgie25 I got some crack i want to smoke soon but no access to the typical crackpipe. How else can I smoke this effectively? —— Prismed You can make pipe out of tinfoil and put some ash on the bottom and then put the rocks on top Or you can make a pipe out of an aluminum can and do the same thing Happy Smoking 🙂 lyrrad85z tin foil gets too hot, plus cans are more plentiful, use a can but dont make the holes too big. Prismed If you use a can make sure to put a carb on the side You’ll get some monster hits smoking it this way Georgie25 I dont understand, I wanna do the can method but where do I get ash from? And do I just get a can and put a dent in it and poke holes n put the crack on the hole and light up? Some of the peices in this bag i have are pretty small might fall in?

Any step by step instructions for making 1? 3DayRun don’t forget that you can use a lightbulb, too! Lyrrad85z dent the top.

Scratch off the silk-screened label, about the size of a quarter in the dent. Poke tiny holes, about 8-10 where you scratched. Poke a hole in the bottom of the can, or the side for a carb. Get the ash from a cig. Let it burn and flick it right on your holes. Gently, GENTLY, pack the ash and place your butter on top. Hit that shit hard with the flame on the whole time and hold it till you cain’t no more.

How To Smoke Crack Cocaine Pipe

Georgie25 How do I use a lightbulb? Same way as vaping weed? Or do i not “vape it”? Georgie25 I dont have any cigs or weed etc, do I NEED the ash? 3DayRun Yeah, you’re basically vaping it.

Same way as tweak or weed. Ech0s85 people smoke weed from lightbulbs? Ive hit crack out of a regular pipe before it had a tiny hole so it didnt run through right away but even after it did we just sucked the flame into the bowl and got bomb hits. Heighton720 cans are a good can get HUGE hits this way BUT it also wastes some of the rock.but i likeusing cans when i have nothing else lol Nib I dont have any cigs or weed etc, do I NEED the ash? There’s a lot of other material that creates ash when burnt. Pegasus Yeah, you’ll need some ash if doing it this way As an aside, how does a light bulb work?

I would think you’d need a lot bigger flame? Meth, I could see, cause it doesn’t need much flame. Crack, though? Memphiseve You can use the handy dandy tire gauge. Just take off the end, everything will come out, pack with chore and bam

OpiYum Or got to hardware store and get tubing cut to size and filters from under the sink. HerbalJah what about tin foil? Can’t you smoke crack off tin-foil like they do with Heroin?? Pegasus ^You need a good amount of heat for crack, I don’t think tin foil is a good choice BrokedownPalace If you are able to score crack, surely the person who sold it to you can tell of of a store that sells glass “rose” stems. They cost like 75 cents and come with chore boy. In the hood they sell them at basically every convenience store/bodega. Just ask for a glass rose and chore boy.

How To Smoke Crack Properly

Chore boy is just brillo pad basically that you use as a screen in the tube. Also in a pinch I suppose you could use a weed pipe with a metal screen (or chore boy). With smoking crack you want to kinda melt the rock into the chore boy, and then hit that. Free base cocaine is kinda a runny liquid almost so melting it into the chore prevents it from just dripping down the pipe.

After you are done smoking, push the chore back and forth through the stem to collect the resin, and you’ll get a BOMB couple of hits of ‘push’. Now you’re making me want to go buy some rocks. Asyd420 ^ thinkin the same thing.


About getting some rocks.

WELCOME TO THE SMOKECRACK SUBREDDIT This is a community for people who enjoy smoking free-base or crack cocaine. We aim to be a community free from stigma and judgement. This is a supportive, communal space for people to share stories, tips, advice and all things related to smoking crack. RULES.

Do not confront or attack other crackheads about their drug habbits. We're here to share our use of crack, so be good. No doxxing unless voluntary. If you want to talk about yourself irl, feel free.

Bluelight How To Smoke Crack Without A Pipe Cleaners

But do not ask other crackheads for personal info. Stay on topic. Everything crack-related is welcome here, and that's going to include some ghetto shit. But racism ain't cool. Please keep ghetto/crackhead/crackho type shit on topic, ya feel me?

RESOURCES About Cooking Safety Help OTHER SUBREDDITS. Beginner here, Ive managed to get some fishscale and cooked it using spoon method, got a nice yellow blob and waiting for it to dry now. After searching around i found multiple threads saying a straight pipe with some copper from speaker wires rolled into a ball and shoved down my pipe will work best. So i got that part covered, what im more confused about is how to burn the rock, ive tried melting it onto my chore and then heating the bottom of the glass just where it is but realised i don't get much smoke off that ( by looking at how much smoke runs along the pipe). And ive tried heating the bottom of the glass until it starts to smoke and then i move the flame to at least 1 cm in front of the entrance and sometimes have the flame on the chore for a second and take it off, i have noticed there is heaps of smoke and my hits are harder.

Everyone on the fourms keep saying its best to have no indirect flame as it burns everything. Im confused here Also, people say the chore stops the residue from sliding down my pipe but no matter what method i choose to smoke, there is always residue still running down the pipe.

People say the chore stops the residue from sliding down my pipe but no matter what method i choose to smoke, there is always residue still running down the pipe Yeah, that'll happen. When you first hit it, you'll be holding the pipe upwards so as not to drop your hit - but as the crackling sound dies down and you begin to pull thick smoke, lower it down as you inhale. I like to hold it slightly downwards, so that it burns off the chore and doesn't run down past it into the pipe as much. Rotate the pipe as you inhale, also. But you'll have some residue no matter what.:p. Yeah I was first taught to smoke crack at age 17 in Cleveland, Ohio by my friends uncle and was taught to make the pipe using a tire gauge with everything ripped off but the pipe part and if it has oil inside it (some do, the one I just bought in Chicago didn't, and ironically the choir boy they sell is silver, so no copper to burn off) once the pipe is ready and you have your choir boy filter nice and as tight as you can get it and still stuff it in the pipe, do so (I make it so it almost doesn't fit in the pipe so it scrapes any resin nice and good Bc it seems to shrink a little with use).

Bluelight How To Smoke Crack Without A Pipe Tobacco


Bluelight How To Smoke Crack Without A Pipe Cleaner