Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush

Many secrets exist on Neopia, many dark places where normal Neopets can’t access freely or have never been to. Is one of these dark corners that bring us together on this guide. A secret base created by a mad Scorchio scientist on the deeps of the ocean, which location can only be found with a special map, but that gives hints of being under the Mystery Island or around the Krawk Island sea. This Scorchio created a high-tech base, with many machines and twisted creations to do his inventions… but between all the gear, one thing stands up: a ray.


A quick video of me bidding and getting an Eventide Paint Brush on Neopets. In Neopets, a paint brush is an item used to permanently change the colour of pets and petpets. 'Paint brush' is often abbreviated to 'PB'. There are the four basic colors, such as Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue but also a multitude of other colour with new ones often being released, these can be rather exciting such as Faerie and Wraith and Maraquan. Here's a list of all the Neopets paintbrushes and their names. Click on the images to see all the pets which can be painted that colour. Colours not included here, such as Jelly and Sponge, can only be obtained via the Secret Laboratory Ray. What is a Neopets Paint Brush? In the Neopian world there are over 60 Neopets Paint Brushes for you to collect or use if you wish. People use a Neopets Paint Brush to paint their pets different colours. Some people use many paint brushes to change the colour of their pet but use previous clothes that were created by these colours. 8-Bit Power-Up Potion. For owners who fancy a bit of old-school pixellisation, this potion is an easy way to go. The Power-Up Potion essentially works just like a Paint Brush - it will change your pet's colour to 8-Bit if the colour has been released for your pet's species. Unlike a Paint Brush, however, it is used from your inventory, not at.

This ray is so powerful and mysterious, but with time we’ve been able to discover what it can do if you decide to zap one of your Neopets in it. If you are brave enough to complete the map and find the Secret Laboratory, you’ll be allowed to zap one pet a day, unless you buy a Lab Ray Fortune Cookie in the Neomall in hopes of getting some extra daily zaps. The access to the Secret Laboratory is permanent in the account in which you redeem the map, so make sure to visit it daily to use your zap.

In order to have access to the Laboratory you’ll need to complete the Secret Laboratory Map. The Secret Laboratory Map is made out of 9 different ‘Secret Laboratory Map’ pieces all called the same. You can buy them individually on the Shop Wizard or in the Trading Post for the more expensive ones. At the same time, many users sell the full Lab map in the TP but is sometimes more expensive to get it that way than buying them individually (though, much more easy and fast!). You can also get Lab map pieces in random events.

Once you have all the map pieces in your inventory you can get access by trading in your map pieces on the map page in the game section. If you decide to do this, the Secret Lab Map pieces will disappear forever, and you will not be able to get them back.

When you have completed the map and you have decided which of your Neopets will be zapped, you will either get one of these changes:

1) Gender change: Your male Neopet will become female, and your female Neopet will become a male. If you previously had a Royal pet, you’ll be getting the new royal clothes of the gender that it has been changed to.

If you wish to change the gender of your Neopet back, you can do it by fighting the Mad Lab Ray Scientist in the Battledome. You get him as a challenger randomly on the page where you select which pet you want to zap in the Laboratory, so you can always refresh such page until the challenger pops up if you need to fight him. His difficulty is of 185 but you don’t need to win in order for the gender change to happen, this will depend on what move he makes and sometimes it might take a couple tries for it to happen.

Know that if you change the gender of your Royal Neopet by battling the Mad Scientist in the Battledome, you won’t be getting new clothes since your pet will remind Royalboy or Royalgirl, just that with the changed gender and eyelashes.

2) Stats change: The lab ray also awards or takes stats points from the zapped Neopets, which is perfect if you plan on training a Battledome pet and need some extra points at times. Your Neopet might gain HP (2 to 5 points at a time), gain or lose levels (2 at a time), gain or lose Strenght points (2 or 3 at a time), gain or lose Defence points (2 or 3 at a time), gain or lose Movement points (2 or 3 at a time) or get it’s Level back to 1, which is the worst stat change. If your Neopet is 40+ level though, this last stat change won’t happen to it!

3) Specie change: You Neopet might also suffer of a specie change, randomly between all the Regular creatable species and also between the Limited ones (Tonu, Chomby, Lutari, Cybunny, Hissi, Koi, Kiko, Grundo, Poogle, Jetsam and Ruki). The only species that the labray doesn’t zap is Draik and Krawk, the so-called Restricted Species.

4) Color change: One of the most seek after zaps, and the reason why most people decide to buy the Secret Laboratory Map is the color changes that it provides. The Lab Ray has some exclusive colors, which are Alien, Clay, Garlic, Ice, MSP, Robot, Sponge, Snot, Chocolate, Jelly, Custard and 8-bit, which don’t have Paint brushes and you can only get with the existing potions (if there are, that is) or with the FFQ, except for Clay, Garlic, Ice, MSP, Robot and Sponge, which the FFQ doesn’t give.

Besides those ones, you can also get the rest of the existing colors, except for Baby, Pirate, Plushie, Quiguki, Royal, and Usuki. At the same time, the Lab ray doesn’t zap Boris to Ice, since this was an exclusive promotional color that can’t be created.

5) Nothing: Pretty lame huh? But yes, there is also a chance of not getting any changes on your daily zap… which might probably save you from accidentally zapping your pet and turning your Draik into a Quiggle.

At the same time, it seems the Mad Scientist Scorchio has a petpet that does the same deeds with his fellow specie! You can only access the Petpet Secret Laboratory if you already have access to the Neopets one though, but relax, the cost of this map is much lower than the Secret Laboratory so you won’t have much troubles completing it.

This map also has 9 pieces that you can buy in the shop wizard or trading post and it allows you one zap a day as well. It can change your petpet’s colour, species, increade or decrease it’s level, change your petpet’s name, turn it into a Pile of Soot, do nothing at all or even make it disappear! For this last thing is better if you don’t zap expensive petpets.

The names that have been documented that the Petpet lab ray can give to your petpet are 1337, Bhudda of Geraptiku, Dirigibles, Dragona’s Socks, El Champion, Fritter, Fritz, Frankie, Goober, Greg, Help me eat, Hilarioso, Humbug, Kadoatie-wannabe, Lazpip, Lemondrop, Lollygag, Lunch, McFritter, Mercutio, Montage, OMGROFL, Oopsy, Pants McGee, Petpet of DOOM, Phil, Pooky, PookyMcDroolish, Pooper, Poppler, Puppup, Rover, Schnukums, Sir Bob of Geraptiku, Skeeter, Snarkie, So-and-So, Spiffy, Times, New Roman, Todd, Tumbles, Type Mismatch Error, Woojit and Your Ad Here.

At the same time, there are sole petpet colors that you can only get with the lab ray, which are 8-Bit, Chocolate, Gold, Ice, Jelly, Picnic, and Strawberry but once you get the petpet out of your Neopet, it will go back to it’s original state.

You can win avatars for zapping in either of these two Secret Laboratories; for the Neopet one you’ll need to have a specie change zap and for the petpet avatar you’ll need to have your petpet zapped into a Pile of Soot by the Petpet Lab Ray.

Lab Ray FAQ

The lab ray is a very confusing concept to fully understand, (Seeing as though some people who have had the ray for years still don’t understand it themselves.) but can be figured out by constantly using it on a daily basis. The questions that may pop into your head now are, “What is the lab ray anyway?” or “Does it cost anything?” or something else. This part of the FAQ should cover most of those types of questions.


What is the lab ray?
The lab ray, more formally know as the Secret Laboratory, is a magical, “prototype” ray gun aparatus, and when it is shot, it can change your pets species, color, stats, and gender.

How do you get to the lab ray?
Well, you could just click here. However, if you haven’t collected all nine pieces of the Secret Laboratory Map, you won’t be able to find it.

8-bit paint brush neopets

Yup. There’s a map, like the normal treasure maps that are a waste of money. If you go to the Treasure Maps game in the gamesroom, you’ll see at the top a few categories. Spooky, space, etc… But the last one appears to be “Laboratory.” You must collect all nine pieces of the Secret Laboratory Map to get to the lab.

How much does the map cost?
Usually, the price varies from piece to piece, and is also usually inflating dramatically. As of January 2006, each piece is estimated to be about 55000NP, totaling at a little less than 500000NP.

What exactly does the lab ray do?
The lab ray can change your pets color, species, or gender. It also increases stats, decreases stats, or sometimes, it doesn’t do anything at all.

Do I decide what happens?
Well, since it’s a “prototype,” and since the mad scientist isn’t intelligent enough to figure that one out, no, you can’t decide what happens, it’s completely random.

Is there anything the lab can’t do to your pet?
There are six colors that the lab ray can not paint your pet. They are pirate, baby, plushie, usuki, quiguki, and royal. If you want to paint one of your pets one of these colors, then you should just buy the paint brush.

How many times can I use the lab?
You can use it once each day on one pet.

I’ve heard about a lab avatar…?
Yes, there is a lab avatar, and you get it when the species of your pet changes due to the lab.

Secret Laboratory Map

This section of the FAQ should cover most of your questions about the map itself.

What does the map look like?
Like this:

Will the map disappear when I put it together?
Yes, it disappears when you put it together.

How do I get the Secret Laboratory Maps?
All you need to do is earn the NP for each piece and then buy it through the shop wizard or the trades.

What’s the cheapest way to buy the map?
Usually, when merchants sell the lab map full on the trades, they’re looking for a profit. If you buy it piece by piece through the shop wizard, you’ll probably end up spending significantly less had you bought it through the trades, so buying it piece by piece is usually cheapest.

Where do I put the map together?!
Right here: Click here!

Do I get anything else when I put the map together?
Yes, you get 10000NP.

Lab Ray Changes

This part of the FAQ will describe what kinds of changes the lab will do, and what it can and can’t do.

Are there any stats the lab won’t touch?
Yes, intelligence and mood are the stats the lap will not effect.

What colors can the lab paint my pet?
Any color of paint brush except pirate, baby, royal, quiguki, usuki, and plushie.

Can my pet turn into a limited edition or restricted pet?
Yes, it can turn into any limited edition or restricted pet.

How long until my pet turns a good color?
For some, it takes a few days, for some, it takes months. It’s completely random as to what you get each day.

My pet’s only losing levels and gaining max HP. What’s wrong?
Nothing. These are common results of the lab ray, but in the long run, it’s usually worth it. =)

Can my pet’s stats go below 1?
Your level can go to -1, but that’s it. Nothing else can go lower than 1.

Will my pet’s faerie abilities disappear if my pet’s level gets too low?
Nope, never. The only exception is the Berserk ability, and you’ll lose that if your pet goes under level 50, but you’ll get it back when you hit 50 again.

The Rainbow Fountain is one way of changing a Neopet's colour.

Colour is an attribute of a Neopet that affects its appearance. When a user creates a Neopet using the Create a Neopet feature, they can choose one of four basic colours for their new Neopet: Blue, Yellow, Green, or Red. After the Neopet has been created, the user can change the colour of their Neopets using one of several different methods detailed below. The colour of a Neopet is always displayed on that Neopet's pet page.

The term colour is also used in reference to Petpets; however, the mechanics by which Petpets change colour are quite different from those of Neopets. Since Petpets are items, changing the colour of a Petpet will change that Petpet into a completely different item. For example, if a user changes the colour of their Babaa to Blue, their Babaa item will become a Blue Babaa item. In order to change a coloured Petpet back into its original form, users have to change the colour of that Petpet back to the natural colour of its species. For example, to change the aforementioned Blue Babaa item back into a Babaa item, the user would have to change to the colour of the Babaa back to White, which is the natural colour of the Babaa species.

Not all Neopets and Petpets are available in every colour.

  • 1Changing a Neopet's colour
  • 2Changing a Petpet's colour
  • 3Changing a PetPetPet's Colour
  • 4All Neopet Colours

Changing a Neopet's colour[edit]

Paint Brushes[edit]

Main Article: Paint Brush

The most common way to change a Neopet's colour is to paint it with a Paint Brush at the Rainbow Pool. To do this, a user must first have one or more Paint Brushes in their inventory. Next they must go to the Rainbow Pool main page, where they will be shown a picture of each of their Neopets. Beneath each Neopet, there will be a drop down box containing each of the Paint Brushes in the user's inventory that can be used on that particular Neopet. The user must then select their desired Paint Brush and click the submit button to paint their pet. However, they Glass, Stone, and Lutari Paintbrushes are unusuable and cannot be used to paint your neopets. The Glass, Stone, and Unicorn Paint brushes were usable at one point until those colours has been retired, automatically converting Unicorn Neopets to Red Neopets, Glass Neopets to Tyrannian Neopets, and Stone Neopets to Island Neopets. For some odd reason, the Unicorn Paintbrush was retired and scrapped completely from Neopets.

Morphing Potions[edit]

Main Article: Morphing Potion

A morphing potion is a potion that will change the Neopet's species/colour to the specified Neopet in the potion's name. They are sold at the Neopian Magic Shop and can be purchased from other users in their shops, trading post, or auctions. A Transmogrification Potion is a type of morphing potion that morphs the pet it's used on into a Mutant Neopet. These potions are not sold at the Magic shop but are given out in random events and from a few games. While permanent, the pet's colour and species can be changed at any time using any of the various colour changing methods.

Secret Laboratory[edit]

Main Article: Secret Laboratory

There are nine map pieces you can get from a Random Event or from a user's store. When the lab ray is used on the selected pet it can raise or lower the Neopet's stats, change the gender, or change the species and/or colour of the selected pet. The Lab does have limitations: it can't zap Neopets into Baby, Pirate, Plushie, Quiguki, Royal, or Usuki.

Magma Pool[edit]

Main article: Magma Pool

When the Magma Pool is visited, your Neopet will change to a Magma Neopet. Unfortunately, there is a MagmaTonu blocking the entrance, and will not let you in, however, he might be dozing off on the job and you can pass by him. For most people, this will happen at a certain time, but it won't be the same for every user. It also has been rumoured that only the well-versed can enter the magma pool by being a participant in the Atlas of the Ancient plot, buying a book from Moltara, and buying a PetPet from Moltara. And if a user sends a Magma-coloured Neopet to the pound, it will convert to a Red Neopet.

Random Events[edit]

Main Article: Random Event

Though they occur rarely, certain Random Events can change the colour of a user's Neopet. These Random Events will only change the colour of the user's active Neopet, and as of April 16, 2010, they will not affect unconverted Neopets.

There are currently five colour-changing Random Events. In the first of these events, a torrent of multi-coloured water falls on the user's Neopet and changes it to a random colour. In another, Boochi fires his ray gun at the user's Neopet and changes its colour to Baby, but rest assured, he can also miss the hit. There is also a Random Event in which the colour of the user's Neopet spontaneously changes to Invisible. Lastly, there are two colour-changing Random Events that can only occur if the user's Neopet is unhappy. The first of these will turn the unhappy pet Blue and the other will turn it Red.

Magical Chia Pops[edit]

Main Article: Magical Chia Pops

Chia Pops are generally sold for more than 1,000,000 neopoints and if your Chia eats one of these, the Chia will transform into a uniquely coloured Chia. Kikos can also be turned Chokato if they eat the Magical Chokato Chia Pop. Interestingly, while both Kikos and JubJubs can be zapped into Garlic, this colour does not exist for Chias at all. Also, if you want to make your JubJub or Kiko look like a pumpkin neopet, you would have to paint it with a HalloweenPaint Brush. The Juppieswirl and Strawberry Chia Pops were going to be released at one point, but they were rejected and scrapped in the makings.

Magical Plushies[edit]

Main article: Plushies

Magical plushies are sold in the Plushie Palace along with regular plushies. Any Neopet plushie with the word 'Magical' in it's name is considered a unique item that acts similar to a Morphing Potion and will actually change the pet that played with it into that named/coloured pet. The item is only good for one use and, after, the magic will be used up and the item will become a simple, non-magical plushie.

Rainbow Fountain[edit]

Main Article: Rainbow Fountain

The Rainbow Fountain was introduced to Neopets in 2001 as a reward for signing up with sponsors. Signing earned you coupons toward painting/changing your pet. There used to be no restriction of what species/colour your pet could be changed to, and the only colour exclusive to the Secret Laboratory was Robot. This sponsor program lasted for a month then shut down.

Years later it was brought back on Neopets and this time there were some restrictions on colours you could paint your pet. The fountain won't allow you to paint your pet MSP, Royal, Sponge, Ice, Usuki, Quiguki or Robot. Changing species was no longer an option. You must successfully finish a Quest for the Fountain Faerie.

There is an item called Flask of Rainbow Fountain Water. When utilized on your Neopet it will randomly paint it any colour available for that species.

Changing a Petpet's colour[edit]

Petpet Paint Brush[edit]

Main Article: Petpet Paint Brush

As implied by their name, these paint brushes are made for Petpets. Petpets can be painted some colours that are Lab Ray exclusive for Neopets. Some petpet colours, however, are Petpet Laboratory exclusive, and cannot be gained using paint brushes.

Petpet Laboratory[edit]

Main Article: Petpet Laboratory

This area can be utilized by obtaining all nine pieces of the Petpet Laboratory Map. These can be obtained from Random Events. The Petpet Laboratory can change the type, colour, level, or name of the selected Petpet, or even make it disappear forever. Petpets who are targeted by the Petpet Lab ray are unable to be given an award from the Petpet Protection League, because they see it as petpet cruelty. If the petpet is removed from your Neopet, it will reverse the effects that are applied to the zapped petpet.

Changing a PetPetPet's Colour[edit]

Colour Bottles and Ink Drops[edit]

Colour Bottles are items that can be used to change a Petpetpet's (or P3's) colour. These items were originally sold at the PetPetPet Emporium for 500-5000 Park Points and now these items are sold at the NC Mall for 100-250 NC. You can even use Ink Drops in order to change a P3's colour. Other than the four main colours (Yellow, Green, Blue, and Red), the other colours are Faerie, Snow, Chocolate, and Pirate. The ink bottles purchased from the NC Mall only last up to ten drops, which disappears after those ten drops, as the ink bottles made from natural resources last up to five drops and disappears after using five drops.

All Neopet Colours[edit]

Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush Cleaner

Active Colours[edit]

Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush

Retired Colours[edit]

Rejected Colours[edit]

Old/renamed Colours[edit]

All Petpet Colours[edit]


PetPet Park PetPet Colours[edit]

  • Autropolis
  • Birthday Cake
  • Candy
  • Candy Cane
  • Crystal Snowflake
  • Faerie Skies
  • Grimsby
  • Holiday
  • Lava
  • Lucky Clover
  • Mystical Magic
  • Nova
  • Nutcracker
  • Ocean Waves
  • Pastels & Plaid
  • Pinata
  • Pink Hearts
  • Pink Skeleton
  • Pumpkin Spice
  • Shimmering Green
  • Shimmering Hearts
  • Skeleton
  • Snowflake
  • Sparkle
  • Sprinkled Hearts
  • Stained Glass
  • Stormy Skies
  • Sunset
  • Supernova
  • Swirling Seas
  • Trilluna
  • Tiki
  • Vixor
  • Wish on a Star

Habitarium Petpetpet Colours[edit]

External links[edit]

Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush Set

  • Rainbow Pool:All Neopet Colours, All Petpet Colours, All Neopet Paint Brushes

Neopets 8-bit Paint Brush Refills

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