Megaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch

Mega Man Battle Network: Operate Shooting Star Translation Patch Complete By Alistair Wong June 15, 2018 Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star is a 2009 port of Mega Man Battle Network that added the. Welcome to the Mega Man EXE Forever After Home Page! This wikia serves as the home page for EXE Forever After, an unofficial timeline project originally founded on September 1st, 2015, with the goal of bridging the 200-year gap between Mega Man Battle Network 6 and Mega Man Star Force.It is essentially an archive for the cancelled fangame project Mega Man Battle Network Legacy, maintained.

RockMan.exe Operate Shooting Star(MegaMan Battle Network: Operate Star Force) was a Japanese-only Nintendo DS game released in 2009, with a translation patch coming out 9 years later. It's essentially a port of the first MegaMan Battle Network game with extra features and content. Download the patch here. But I don't know if people would be interested in a full game of Star Force 0 as if you can tell the story of how Lan, Patch, and his friends contributed to the world of Star Force, and what happened to them after Battle Network 6 through a Star Force 4 if they delve more into Kazuma's backstory. Megaman Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar - Brianuuu & Ahackerjack Crossover Patch-Brianuuu & Ahackerjack Crossover Patch v1.0 Link is in the description. + Spoiler-Change Beast out emotion window to SF megaman.-Change Gbeast out to SF Megaman.

Part 23: It's The End...But I Feel new Life

Update #22: It's The End... But I Feel New Life
Well, we're done... That's all she wrote. Short game.
Well, it was the first one, after all.
Do you see why this game bombed in Japan and thus never made it over? People were expecting a lot more than what they gave us. It's unfortunate, because even assuming the developers wanted to make huge, sweeping changes, they didn't have the time, staff or budget to do so.
We joke about the work being handed to the interns, but even if they had seasoned developers instead, it probably wouldn't have made a difference. They just didn't have enough of anything.
The new scenario wasn't horrible, by any means. Really weird at the start, but the character interactions more than make up for MegaMan's weird behavior. It's biggest flaw is not having a strong connection between Roll and MegaMan. You feel that with Harp Note and Geo. Not so much their Battle Network counterparts. You do have to ignore the Starforce 1 Battle Network sidequest, though. Not doing so just causes a mindfuck.
Yeah, tell me about it...Battle
The new content is nice and appreciated. And what they did change was pretty good, but it only sheds more light on the other aspects missed. I would have loved for SubChips at the minimum when I was boss-hunting. There are so many things they could have done to make the worst-selling Battle Network game more appealing to newcomers. Having quick re-releases may turn an easy profit, but putting in the effort will make your series more appealing to newer fans.
They tried their best. If anything, adding in the map was probably the limit of 'extra stuff' they could squeeze in there. SubChips would have been a whole extra menu, as well as extra NPC shops and possibly more BMD changes.
For instance, in the later Battle Network games, you got one final boss at the end once you've gotten all the chips. That would be so easy to simply-
What is thissssssssssssss
IIiiiiiii don't remember this
2-2-2-200 Aura!? aaaaaaaaaaaaa
2 Scuttlists at the start!? aaaaaaaaaaa
Yes feel Giver's fear and panic that is totally real and not feigned, aaaaaaaaa
Yeti, I threw a Quake 3. That deals 150.
And the Scuttlists didn't fucking die!
I hope they stuff you in a locker.
Motherfucker, that laser PIERCES INVISIBLE NOW!?
I hope you suffer.
This... this will be fun. Finally! A challenge!
There once was a great man named Giver
Who always loved the stage
He faced a fearsome Navi
While Yeti just wanted to rage
god your meter fucking sucks
you start out with haiku and then shift to some iambic, and then i don't even KNOW what you did to mangle the next lines

I'll admit that I had some fun towards the end. But how could I not? Many thanks to Prof.9 for being the mule amazing friend and taking the time to give us more Battle Network content. I'm sure the tiny percentage of competent Battle Network players who love challenges like this (me included!) love it.
Check the Action Replay code down below to give it a go, unlike BassBS which required a patch. This should work for both the translated and untranslated versions of the game. Disclaimer: this was only tested on the English translation patch.Megaman
Serious Geo
You can either talk to Chaud, or go fight LifeVirus in the same place he's normally fought. The difference is being able to use Hub.bat and getting 6/6/6 buster stats.
Yeah, you've got the Aura to deal with. Not many attacks in the game deal 200 or more. To make matters worse: Geo can't use this chip over the Scuttlist panels. That's a fault of the game, not Prof's.
More than that, you need to deal with 2 Scuttlists being on the field as opposed to 1 at the very start. This is still pretty manageable. Wood Scuttlist has a faster Wood Tower, and every Scuttlist can attack you when you aren't in a row. You aren't going to camp them this time.
Your biggest concern at the start? The new timings. LifeVirusSP not only charges at a different rate compared to the Base Level, but he will randomize them...within reason. You won't be able to look at his timings and immediately pick it up. Instead, you'll have to accept that it's beyond your control and find a different way of knowing when he'll attack. It exists, that much I promise you. LifeVirusSP still drops his Aura when he attacks, so it's imperative you decipher this.
Yep, it was tough to implement, but we officially have Invisible piercing in this game. The laser now deals 10 damage per frame for a variable total between 330-390. The damage changes slightly depending on what column you find yourself in. If your dumbass sits in the laser like a deer in headlights, you deserve to eat this damage. Since your mercy frames are removed whilst inside the laser, don't be surprised if a Scuttlist decides to hit you for a nasty combo attack.
Don't test him. If you think you're safe with an Invisible in the middle, then you have another thing coming. This isn't going to be the global solution you think it is. Even if you camp in the corner, you're gonna have to take a hit to the face once your chip comes off cooldown.
When he's lost 25% of his HP (<1500), he'll immediately summon a 3rd Scuttlist. Compare this to the first LifeVirus that started with 1, then ended up with 2. The fight is now officially difficult. The Scuttlist have their own respawn timer, and you'll need to keep track of those as well as LifeVirus SP's own attack openings. You may be great at dodging, but you'll eventually make a mistake and eat a nasty hit. You need to keep the Scuttlists down at all costs. I had to dedicate whole sections of my folder specifically to clear those damn bugs and that isn't an exaggeration.
He also introduces his Meteor attack even earlier now. Mixing this in with a triple Scuttlist threat is...yikes. Sure, you can use Invisible, but remember that LifeVirus loves to invis-pierce you when you aren't looking. It'll be tough, but you need to keep track of what he's doing and what his minions are doing.
If you have any massive AOE attacks, I suggest saving them for this phase. If you burned them all to get to here, well...
At half HP is when you will seriously start to hate Prof. He starts mixing in constant falling rocks. Luckily they only fall while he's charging an attack, but they still deal appreciable damage. Even if you knock out the Scuttlist, you're going to have to watch this and watch for your openings and be mindful of the Scuttlist spawn timer. Missed your chance? Oops. Now 3 Scuttlists spawn and now that just adds more to your plate.
Don't be surprised when you're just a tad off and your opening is gone. I suppose you could always force a trade; deal damage in exchange for your own HP, but that just gives the boss a bigger lead.
This is it, the final stretch. I personally dig the nice visuals that signal this attack incoming. There are several tells for this move, and all of them are on display. Spotting them is key to preparing for this. The lasers that come out of this attack are stronger than the attack he uses the whole 50%. The kicker? The lasers come out in a random formation. This is going to be a test of your reflexes. The cost of failure is high. Imagine all the HP you lost to get to this point only to now be expected to control your emotions and do careful dodges. I love it.
Look familiar?
You need to keep track of the rocks AND the Scuttlist respawn timer AND all the shit on the field AND the visual tells that signal this attack AND the hint you learned to attack LifeVirusSP properly in order to get up to this point. All while choosing your chips carefully at each step. I hope you budgeted your chips properly. No, seriously. If you burned your AOE to get this far, you're probably dead.
Don't deal with the constantly respawning Scuttlists? You're definitely dead.
Can't keep track of the elements on the field all at once? You're pretty dead.
Forgot that Multi-Laser was a thing you need to watch out for? Better hope you get lucky...or you're dead.
Can't dodge the rocks but you did well up until halfway through? You just lost your lead.
Chose your chips in the wrong order, even once? You just fell way behind.
I've had runs where I made a small fuck-up and half my HP evaporated. Laser into Scuttlist attack is something you'll have to respect. Mind you, the attacks themselves do less damage than Bass. They do. It's just that now the attacks can either box you in, or come at you faster. Despite the damage being lower overall, you're just hit so many times more.
Our QA tester made an interesting comment:

QA Tester posted:

Given what you can do in Battle Network 3 and this game, between BassBS and this, I think LifeVirus SP is the harder boss.

Make of that what you will. There is no S-rank chip reward this time. So just go for the win at all costs. I was able to do this without a perfect save, so if you were just playing along, see if you can beat this challenge. Now tell Yeti to stop being a puss and beat this boss.
Sit on a controller and spin, you asshole.
I guess this LP has given Eh? Eh?
This. This is what you wanted to end the LP with.
There's no accounting for lack of taste, I suppose.
Mega Man Battle Network
Platform(s)Game Boy Advance, GameCube, WonderSwan, Arcade, Mobile phones, Nintendo DS, Wii U
First releaseMega Man Battle Network
March 21, 2001
Latest releaseRockman EXE Operate Shooting Star
November 12, 2009

Mega Man Battle Network, known in Japan as Rockman.EXE (ロックマンエグゼ, Rokkuman Eguze), is one of Capcom's Mega Man series and debuted in 2001 on the Game Boy Advance. It is an RPGspin-off series based on the original Mega Man series, taking place in a separate continuity where computer and networking technology advanced instead of robotics. There are six main Mega Man Battle Network games as well as several side-story games. It was later succeeded by the Mega Man Star Force series, which takes place hundreds of years after the Battle Network series.


The series is set in the year 200X (20XX in the sixth game), in an alternate version of the original Mega Man universe in which networks, rather than robots, were the subject of the most research. Like the original, there were two main projects and only one was funded, but unlike the original, the work of Dr. Tadashi Hikari (the series' version of Dr. Light) in the field of networking and AI programs had been funded over Dr. Wily's research in robotics. The result of Dr. Hikari's research was the PET (PErsonal Terminal), a small computer which is used similarly to a cellular phone or PDA and which contains a customizable artificial intelligence complete with emotions, known as a NetNavi (short for Network Navigator).

A NetNavi is responsible for helping the operator search, use, and surf the internet as well as protect the PET and itself from viruses. Within years the internet evolves to the point where it becomes possible to send an AI into it and physically move around as if it were another world. There is some danger, however; viruses evolve alongside Navis and the internet to become intelligent on some level. Because the internet has evolved to the point of taking on a manifestation, so, too, can virtual weapons be used. If a Navi or a Virus takes too much damage, its programming will lose integrity, disperse, and be deleted shortly afterwards. Each Navi has antiviral weapons that are built directly into its programming that provide basic defense, and can, in addition to this, be sent weapon programs from the PET via the use of BattleChips.

The series focuses on Tadashi's grandson, Lan Hikari, and his NetNavi, MegaMan.EXE. The pair get involved in foiling the schemes of a net-crime organization called WWW ('World Three'), headed by Wily.

In another tribute to the original series, most of the Navis in the series are named after characters from the original series. As the games progressed, however, certain characters from the X series, such as Zero, Iris, and Colonel have also appeared as NetNavis. Completely original NetNavis have also been made for the series, with some exclusive to the anime series. In every game since the second (with the exception of Battle Network 3), NetNavis used by Mr. Famous were created by fans of the series, being winners of design contests from Capcom of Japan.

Megaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch Release


Battles take place on a three-by-six grid. The player selects a Cannon Battle Chip for MegaMan.EXE (left) while fighting two viruses.

Battle System[edit]

The series uses a hybrid action-RPG/card battle system. Battle screens feature a 6x3 grid, with each character initially controlling half of the playing field, which can be modified by Battle Chips.

Like the original games, the player is in control of MegaMan who has the use of his weapon, the MegaBuster. However, core gameplay revolves around 'Battle Chips' which are selected by Lan who is also controlled by the player. The chips are selected at the beginning of a battle and every time the player activates the full 'Custom Gauge' which refills over time. Selection takes place during a pause in the battle. Specific selections of Battle Chips lead to 'Program Advances' which combine chips to form a more powerful temporary Battle Chip. The player must choose 30 Battle Chips which act as a deck for each battle and is refilled after each battle ends.A secondary objective is the collection of Battle Chips which can range in rarity from common to Mega to Giga. With the success of the collectible genre with series such as Pokémon, Battle Network games (beginning with BN3) were released in two similar versions, and had content that were exclusive to one version of the game.


Lan Hikari travels in the real world in Mega Man Battle Network 5.

Exploration in the game takes place in two ways. First, the player controls the protagonist Lan Hikari in the real world, where the player can interact with other Non-player characters, and travel around the world map. These real-world areas allow the player to progress the story, and do side-quests as well. The real-world also contains jack-in points in which the player can jack-in to the net world, and explore as Megaman.EXE. The net world is where the player controls and plays as Megaman. While traveling in the Net World, battles can ensue at random, and to progress the story, Megaman must travel through these Net Areas in order to defeat enemies, and fix issues with the machines these areas are located within.


Mega Man Battle Network[edit]

A terrorist organization called WWW (World Three) attempted to destroy the world with the use of a super virus known as the Life Virus. Despite interference by Lan and MegaMan, the members stole the four element programs they needed in order to make it and succeeded in its creation. The virus was as strong as predicted, but was destroyed by MegaMan. Its defeat forced WWW to retreat. This game received an averaged score of 80% score on GameRankings and 79% on MetaCritic.

Mega Man Battle Network was later re-released for the DS as Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star, which serves both as an enhanced port of the original, as well as a crossover with the Star Force series.

As stated, in an inside-Games Interview, by the game developers, the game was initially conceptualized with the intention of being a horror game.[1]

Mega Man Network Transmission[edit]

A man known only as the Professor releases a deadly virus that infects Navis. MegaMan and ProtoMan move in to investigate and find the source of the virus, Zero. Once Zero is released of the curse, the Professor announces that Zero was merely a diversion to resurrect the Life Virus. With Zero's help, MegaMan deletes it again. The game takes place in the Battle Network universe, but the gameplay is unlike the hybrid action-RPG/card battle system of the other games. Instead, it is an action Platformer similar to the traditional Megaman series. The game received a 61% score on GameRankings and 65% on MetaCritic.

Mega Man Battle Network 2[edit]

The following summer after WWW's defeat, a new terrorist group called Gospel emerges. Their tactics differed considerably compared to WWW, as they appeared to have no set goal. Gospel's plan had seemingly consisted of only causing random destruction with their navis. Lan and MegaMan battled every member and prevented the worst possible situations. However, Gospel's hidden plan was to re-create the ultimate net navi, Bass. Using bug fragments, they planned to make a large army of Bass navis to take over the world. Unknown to Gospel, their method of creating Bass was imperfect, and his abilities were vastly below predictions. In an attempt to make copies of Bass to create an army, the leader of Gospel overloaded energy to the bug fragments; but something went wrong and the concoction transformed into a giant wolf-like multi-bug organism. Although the bug beast was stronger than before, Lan and MegaMan managed to eliminate it. This game received an averaged score of 82% score on GameRankings and 81% on MetaCritic.

Rockman EXE WS[edit]

Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXE face off against the WWW. The story adapts aspects of both the first Mega Man Battle Network game as well as the anime series, MegaMan NT Warrior. The game play is similar to that of Mega Man Network Transmission.

Mega Man Battle Network 3 (Blue and White)[edit]

Battle Network 3 takes place not long after BN2. Lan and MegaMan participate in a NetNavi tournament called the N1 Grand Prix get into the competition, but discover the tournament is a set-up by WWW to intimidate the world about their return, and to initiate the revival of the net beast Alpha. This game received an averaged score of 77% on GameRankings and 77% on MetaCritic.

Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge[edit]

Lan competes in a new netbattling tournament known as the 'Battle Chip GP', but there is a new organization behind the scenes who will delete the winning Navi and steal its data. The gameplay of Battle Chip Challenge is very different from the gameplay of the other Battle Network games. It uses the same chips from Megaman Battle Network 1 and 2, but instead of having a hybrid action-RPG/card battle system, it uses the battlechips instead in a more strategy based style. The game received a 49.9% score on GameRankings and 54% on MetaCritic.

Mega Man Battle Network 4 (Red Sun and Blue Moon)[edit]

Megaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch Download

Lan and MegaMan take part in a series of net battle tournaments. Depending on the version of the game, different opponents and scenarios will occur. In between tournaments, a criminal organization called Nebula attack. They spread corruption with the use of Dark Chips, Battle Chips infused with the power of darkness. Meanwhile, an asteroid is traveling through space, heading for Earth. This game received an averaged score of 70% on GameRankings and 68% on MetaCritic (the low scores on this title were due to lack of any real story other than fighting in tournaments).

Mega Man Battle Network 5 (Team Protoman/Colonel/Double Team DS)[edit]

Nebula attacks again, this time with an all-out invasion. They kidnap Lan's father and use SciLab's computers to take over the internet. In response, either Chaud or Baryl (depending on the version) create a team of elite net navis and operators. Lan and MegaMan are the first members. As the story progresses, more team members are gained, and more areas of the net are liberated. When all of the net is won back, the team locates Nebula's headquarters and attempt to defeat the organization. The GBA versions received an average score of 68% on GameRankings and 67% on MetaCritic, whereas the NDS version received 70% on GameRankings and 68% on MetaCritic.

Mega Man Battle Network 6 (Cybeast Gregar and Cybeast Falzar)[edit]

Battle Network 6 is the final game in the series. Lan's father gets a new job and the family moves to Cyber City, leaving behind Lan's classmates and friends from ACDC Town. WWW attacks once again, aiming to revive the legendary Cybeasts, Gregar and Falzar. This game received an average score of 64% on GameRankings and 63% on Metacritic (the low scores were due to recycled art, sound, and gameplay).

Other media[edit]

Megaman Battle Network 6 Starforce Patch System


The games were adapted into an anime series titled MegaMan NT Warrior. The series spawned four seasons, Axess, Stream, Beast, and Beast+.


The games were adapted into two manga series by Shogakukan titled MegaMan NT Warrior by Ryo Takamisaki that consisted of 13 volumes and Battle Story Rockman.EXE by Keijima Jun and Miho Asada that consisted of 4 volumes.

Board game[edit]

In 2004 Capcom released ロックマン エグゼ カタン スタンダード (2004) — 'Rockman.EXE Catan Standard' — a licensed version of The Settlers of Catan.


  1. ^

External links[edit]

  • Rockman EXE series - official Capcom site for the Rockman EXE series (Japanese).
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