Highest Dmg Char I Rotmg

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Post by 286739

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RotMG Maxing Guide - Max Stats In Realm of the Mad God ..

Post by 57790

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Apowersoft screen recorder pro 2 3 8 crack. This is the main component of Realm of the Mad God without which it is simply impossible to play. There are eight types of pots in the game that make your character strong: Def pots give the character armor that reduces the damage taken by the character if he is not clean damage. Each character has a certain maximum amount of def. Knight class have maximum defence stat in rotmg. Mar 02, 2013 DEF – Probably one of the most important stats, this is your defense stat and and it determines how much damage your character takes. Best free train simulator games for pc. The stat pots that increase this stat are a black color. SPD – This is your speed stat, and it determines how fast your character moves. Large black gaming mouse pad. The stat pots that increase this stat are a light green color.

  1. Priest is long range with great heals but you do very little damage. Wizzy has very high damage and range, but has no heals. Wizzy is best once you have at least a level 50 pet or you are a more experienced player. Necro is a good in-between of wizzy and priest. Good damage with small healing ability to keep you in the fight.
  2. Finally, the Knight has the highest Defense Cap, by a significant margin. At a cap of 40, the Knight is only one of two classes that have an abnormal Defense cap. The other being the Paladin at 30 (all others cap at 25). The 'Knight' character caused the (if you play ROTMG.

Post by 187668

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Post by abulurd

I believe it was elitist jerks recently did some number crunching and put that a t8.5 geared rogue can put out the highest average dps, now there will always be outliers, but on average with the latest gear right now rogues can push out the most dps. Of course that is contingent on whether or not im remembering right which isnt always the case.

Post by 138837

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Post by Strandvaskeren

Maybe there is a theoretical max dps class, but in reality there is not. Skill has a huge impact on your dps output. Hitting your rotation right may enable you to do 30-50% more dps than when you just 'wing it'. Standing in the right spot helps too, it always fascinate me how 5-6 ppl tend to stand in a group when fighting the first boss in Naxx spiderwing, they get a 5-6 times as high risk of getting hit by one of the spike strips and end up spending a lot of time airborne, gimping their dps.
If you look at all those 'who does most dps in your guild?' threads there is no clear picture putting one class ahead of all other. In my guild a particular hunter tends to take the tops spot every time. In your guild a warlock may be the guy to beat and in another guild a dk is the king.
Naturally gear matters, but to get a top spot on the meters consistently you need to hit the right buttons at the right time. I would say that the top dog in any guild is a guy/girl that have done a lot of research, fiddled with talents, glyphs, gems, spent a lot of time optimizing and has a good solid knowledge on any encounter. Those people will do very well on any class.

Post by Booterang

In general pure dps classes tend to be ahead of hybrids if they are properly played.
The reason for this is that pures have more versatile ways of dealing damage based on the fight in question, and that pure classes tend to provide less buffs and scale better with buffs.
While the balance changes in every major content patch, the top two classes tend to consistently be rogues and warlocks. Mages also always tend to place very high. A well played feral druid also will deal insane damage per second.
Keep in mind the difference in dps between these classes and others is no more then 2 or 3%, but that is the general premise.

Post by 21327

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Post by 380827

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Post by TheChilliGod

I believe it was elitist jerks recently did some number crunching and put that a t8.5 geared rogue can put out the highest average dps, now there will always be outliers, but on average with the latest gear right now rogues can push out the most dps. Of course that is contingent on whether or not im remembering right which isnt always the case. I wonder how an Ulduar raid with nothing but rogues for your dps would actually do..
Ignis would be a nightmare, for sure.

Post by Strandvaskeren

.and dont confuse Damage per second, with overall damage. I play Shadow Priest and often im 3-4 positions lower on the DPS lists as opposed to the overall damage. A person who knows the fights and there class can always out perform,a player who just knows how to burst damage. There is know point putting out 5k DPS, in a 5 minute fight, if its only for 5 secs.
Yup, just pop Curse of Doom and go afk for 60 seconds and you have a healthy 4-5k dps on the meters, but it's not like you contribute much to the fight. Damage done is much more interesting than damage per second.
Trick is tho know when dps stands for 'damage per second' and when it just means 'a damage dealer'.
RotMG DPS Calculator - Haizor

Post by hymer

A point of nuance:
A Rogue can buff for, what, 8% for a few secs with Tricks of the Trade (two Rogues can trade these, and then go nuts with burst, and then vanish to negate the threat). A Boomkin brings a +5% crit chance, +3% haste aura. Mages cause debuffs when they hit with their spells, causing the target to take additional damage. DKs have Horn of Winter, and shammies have totems that can buff damage, and bloodlust. And so on and so forth.
In a 25-man heavy with locks, mages and elemental shammies, adding a Boomkin has a noticeable impact on total damage done, even if the Boomkin can't perform nearly as well as the destro locks and fire mages.
Of course, in 25-mans, you'd expect to have at least one of each class. Still, why focus so much on one person doing the most DPS?

Post by skumbananer

A combat rogue. Sick dps with just 5 sunders on target (no need to waste time exposing armor :) ), and a battleshout. Every rogue should have a pocket warrior pet.
Those dks where probably confusing dealing damage to run around in deadmines collecting the whole instance then putting down death and decay.

Post by goatsicle

it's definately not fury warriors, even geared to the teeth. hooray for nerfing........

Post by 296147

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Post by 95537

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Post by 355920

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Realm Of The Mad God Character Stats - RPGStash

Post by Strandvaskeren

Now now, don't yell at me, let me explain..
The healer keeps the group alive, so 3 dpsers deal 2k dps each and a good tank can pull 1,5k dps.
It's like when the guild starts talking about big crits:
Guildie1: Wow, I just critted 7k with Execute.
Guildie2: I crit 9k with Pyroblast
Guildie3: I crit 12k with Starfire
Me: I regularly crit 18-20k.
Guildie2: Hey wait, you're a healer!

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Post by dslyecix

I believe it was elitist jerks recently did some number crunching and put that a t8.5 geared rogue can put out the highest average dps, now there will always be outliers, but on average with the latest gear right now rogues can push out the most dps. Of course that is contingent on whether or not im remembering right which isnt always the case. I wonder how an Ulduar raid with nothing but rogues for your dps would actually do..
Ignis would be a nightmare, for sure.
And several fights would be impossible. What's your point? The threads about who brings the most DPS on average, not who's the 'best' or most useful. Same to the people moaning about how Rogues don't bring any buffs to the raid.
We all knows DPS isn't the only important thing when it comes to raid composition. Nobody's claiming that, so stop derailing the thread with 'well Boomkins don't DPS as much but they bring extra crit!' nonsense.
We get it.
Note: this rant was not directly aimed at the quoted user.

Post by 301440

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