Final Cut Pro 7 Plugins Free

Convert between your Final Cut Pro, Avid, After Effects, Quantel and Pro Tools sequences for free using Automatic Duck!

  1. Final Cut Pro 7 Plugins Free Downloads
  2. Final Cut Pro 7 Plugins Free Download

Automatic Duck, the Seattle-based conversion software distributor (known for their plug-ins that translate edited sequences between Final Cut Pro, Avid, After Effects, Quantel, Pro Tools), has recently revamped its cost structure for plug-in delivery. Now, their Pro Import AE, Pro Import FCP, and Pro Export FCP (FCP7 and FCPX) plugins are available at no charge.

Final Cut Pro 7 Free Plugins. The noise removal plugin by neat video was created specifically for this problem. Final cut x plugins free: Explosion Elements FCPX in 2020 (With images from Minutes after i have an idea, the results are available to anyone on the internet. Well, we want to make sure you can still treat yourself without spending a dime – by downloading some awesome Final Cut Pro plugins from around the net that are free to use to make your life easier as an editor. Here, we compiled a list of seven of our favorite free plugins that you can download right now.

This is really big news for editors. This conversion solution, which previously ran at around $500 per plug-in, will now be available for absolutely free, enabling you to transfer sequences from one software to another—a necessity in today’s industry.

Why this change?

You’ll notice that Adobe Premiere Pro is currently not among the list of software products included in the conversions. Well—that’s about to change.

Last month, Adobe hired on the father-son Automatic Duck team (Harry Plate and Wes Plate) to bring the same conversion tools to Premiere Pro. Wes Plate joined the Adobe Product Marketing team while Harry Plate will be working with the technology integration.

Could this be part of Adobe’s master plan to steal away more disgruntled Final Cut Pro users? Seems likely.

What does this mean?

Because of the Plates’ relocation to Adobe, they decided to offer their Automatic Duck products free of charge, since they would no longer be able to offer the same quality of customer support.

“Because we are so busy with these new projects we cannot provide the same level of support for our plug-ins that we used to, therefore we can’t in good conscience charge money for them. But we don’t want our popular tools to go unused if they are still useful to people. Therefore we have decided to make them available at no charge. Enjoy!”

-Wes and Harry Plate

Free plugins for final cut pro 7

Final Cut Pro 7 Plugins Free Downloads

So, this seems to be the underlying word of caution to accompany this incredible deal. Although these powerful plug-ins are now freely available, you will have to troubleshoot your own conversion problems (and for complex projects, you can certainly run into your fair share of problems). The Plates have posted a few common issues on their Support FAQ page, which is currently a rather bare-bones links page. You can also check out some detailed step-by-step tutorials on the Automatic Duck site, which are available via each plug-in product download page.

And, no doubt, the Plates are counting on the bulk of the technical support slack to be picked up by the plethora of additional users benefiting by the acquisition of the free Automatic Duck plug-ins. Indeed, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a steep increase in troubleshooting articles, blogs, videos and tutorials trying to tackle those conversion issues.

What plug-ins are offered in this new deal?

Here are some descriptions of what the various Automatic Duck plug-ins do, according to their website:

Pro Import AE 5.0

Allows you to import your Avid or Final Cut Pro 7 timeline into Adobe After Effects.

Final Cut Pro 7 Plugins Free Download

“Translating a sequence from an Avid® or Final Cut Pro 7 editing system, or a project from Apple’s Motion takes just seconds, importing all your media and clips in one step. Effects are translated and recreated for you and your timeline becomes a composition in After Effects.”

Pro Export FCP 4.0

Allows you to export AAF files for export to Avid or Quantel editing sytems as well as Pro Tools digital audio workstations from FCP 7. Redis client mac os.

Final cut pro 7 plugins free downloads

“With Pro Export FCP 4.0 you can export Avid MXF media that connects to your exported AAF file, write media that is external to the OMF or AAF file avoiding file size limits as well as translate many effects from Final Cut Pro 7 to your Avid or Quantel Generation Q system.”

Pro Export FCP 5.0

Allows you to export AAF/OMF files for Pro Tools from Final Cut Pro X.

“With Pro Export FCP 4.0 you can export Avid MXF media that connects to your exported AAF file, write media that is external to the OMF or AAF file avoiding file size limits as well as translate many effects from Final Cut Pro 7 to your Avid or Quantel Generation Q system.”

Pro Import FCP 2.0

Allows you to import OMF or AAF compositions from Avid editing systems, Toon Boom’s StoryBoard Pro or Pro Tools into Final Cut Pro 7.

“Using Pro Import FCP 2.0 for Final Cut Pro 7 you can import OMF 2.0 and AAF files from Avid editing systems, OMF 2.0 and AAF files from Digital Audio Workstations like Pro Tools, AAF Edit Protocol files, AAF files exported from Toon Boom’s Storyboard Pro, even XML files created by Panasonic’s HPM200!”

What do you think?

Have you used Automatic Duck plug-ins before? If so, did you have to use technical support during the conversion process? How do you think this new model will work? We’d love to hear from you in the Comments!

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The Too Much Too Soon Free Plugins for
Final Cut Pro and Final Cut Express

Update Sep 2020. FCP 7 is dead and these plugins are not available for FCPX. Thank you for all these years.Update Aug 2009. I've added a new plugin, it's called Warp Sharp and it's a verypowerful filter for sharpening without creating any halos at all. Low grades work best withphoto/video material, higher can be used effectively on cartoons and so on. Since it's nota contrast filter like unsharp masking it's one of the few algorithms that can increase the sharpness of upscaled or out of focus images. It's not without artifacts though, so becareful to not go too high on the amount. You'll see.

For installation and usage instructions see the included Readme and below. The plugins aresupposed to be text files. Don't worry. It's just so you can read the source code more easily and possibly learn FXScript, who knows. They still work as is, just put them in the plugins folder.

If you enter your email address above you'll get notified of updates and such. I will not sellyour address to spammers or anybody else. I promise.

Please consider visiting my sponsors below. Their products have been of great help to me.

Noise Industries - FxFactory
ABSoft, Neat Video - video noise reduction plug-in
GeniusDV - Final Cut Pro training
Flip4Mac - QuickTime WMV Component
Hoelscher Post, Inc.
Red Giant Software - Magic Bullet
iStabilize - Video Stabilizer for MacOS
Spherico Title Exchange

as well as a large number of individuals who for privacy reasons I won't mention unless they explicitly want me to.

Mattias Sandström

The Too Much Too Soon Free FXScrips

Copyright 2002-2008 Mattias Sandström/Too Much Too Soon

These scripts are freeware, meaning you may copy and distribute them free of charge as long as they're kept intact, including the copyright message. Feel free to use the code as inspiration for your own scripts, but don't steal.

Install by copying this folder to your FCP or FCE plugins directory (Usually /Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro System Support/Plugins).Have fun.

Mattias Sandström

The Scripts

Warp Sharp (New Aug 2009)
This sharpens the image by making edges thinner. It produces no halos and can oftenbe used to bring back some edges from out of focus material, or define the detail inmaterial that has been scaled up by a large factor. It's also perfect for cartoonsand other drawn or computer generated images, where you can go crazy with the sharpeningand get really smooth and sharp results, whereas for normal video the image quickly looksplastic and creamy if you go too far, often as little as 0.5-1 is enough.

D90 Upscaler (Updated Mar 2008)
This plugin works because the D90 really captures an 800p image and scalesit to 720p and the way it's done makes it possible to scale it back up almost losslesslyto 800p and then back down to 720p or even better up to your resolution of choice. Thisupdate uses a new and largely superior workflow, but the previous 'slug and image well'works too. You start by nesting your 720p sequence in a 1080p one, make sure no automaticscaling is done and if it is just reset it, then nest this sequence again in another 1080psequence. Now apply the filter to this nest, and either use scale to fit, or select native1280x801 and apply your own scaler. If you're using Instant HD from Red Giant Software forexample here's where you apply it, setting the source size to 1280x801. You'll notice thatthe workflow is exactly the same so no need to nest the clips again, just apply it. Youcan also use the motion tab, which if motion quality is set to best might yield betterresults, or maybe export using compressor and its frame control scaling. Good luck.

D90 Rescaler (New Nov 2008)
If you're a D90 user I'm sure you've seen the stairstepping of diagonal lines, as well asthe flickering aliasing of horizontal lines. No more, thanks to this plugin. Lee Wilsonposted the concept behind this script on the dvxuser D90 forum. Check it out. Basicallythe D90 uses a lousy algorithm to scale the footage down to 720p, and what the plugin doesis resampling it to the original size and scaling it back down using FCP's bicubicinterpolation instead.

Frame by Frame Interpreter (New Nov 2008)
Interprets a clip frame by frame to the framerate of the current sequence. Useful forconverting back and forth between 24p and 25p, or for creating smooth slow motion fromfootage shot at a higher speed, like from 60p to 24p, or even 60i to 24p along withmy slow motion plugin (or even 60i to 50i for the adventurous since the fields arepreserved as is). Place a slug or scratch clip on the timeline, apply this filter,and drag the clip you want to interpret onto the well.

Slow Motion (New July 2007)
Change the speed of interlaced video to 50% then apply this. It will alternate betweenthe fields creating the smoothest slow motion possible.

Regrain (New July 2007)
When working with film footage it's either often necessary to remove the grain beforeperforming things like sharpening and keying, or some filters you add like diffusion andtime remapping will remove grain that you wanted to keep. Drop the origina clip on thisfilter, and it will lift the grain from it and add it back. If you regrain something thatwas previously 'noise reduced' make sure you use the same settings and you will get nearlossless performance.

Smart Anamorphic (Updated July 2007)
Stretches 4:3 footage to 16:9 without cropping. Make sure you remove any automaticallyadded distortions in the motion tab before you apply this. Currently in beta so pleasesend all the feedback you got. This update stretches in a more subtle way, more like thepanorama setting on many widescreen tv's.

Noise Reduction (Updated July 2007)
New Heavy Blur method may remove more noise, but may also create an artificial look.Mainly meant for web video and for footage that will be Regrained, see the new filter.You can also chose to show edges, to fine tune what's considered detail in the image andwhat is noise. Removes video noise and grain by averaging pixels where there's no detail.Aside from giving you a cleaner image, this can really improve the results you'd get frommost compression schemes.

Smart Noise Reduction
Reduces noise considerably by averaging frames where there's no motion.Needs to be first in the filter chain to work properly.

Smart Deinterlace
Deinterlaces motion areas only, maintaining maximum sharpness and minimizing artifacts.Needs to be first in the filter chain to work properly.

Custom Diffusion
Add diffusion with more control than the old one, but otherwise the same effect.

Hair Removal
Just razor on each side of the frame with the hair or dust speck, draw a line over it,select whether to replace it with the previous or next image, add an optional offset,and it magically disappears. You'll find that simply drawing the line is sufficient inmost situations.

Generates a digital clock, for countdowns or whatever. The update adds the option toselect which figures are shown, plus you can now count hours too. The clock doesn'tanimate on its own, so you have to keyframe the 'milliseconds' slider. I thought thatwould be the most flexible way of handling this..

A flashframe transition. Now with optional gradual pre and (!) post blur and lumaclamping for legal levels.

Color Balance
Adjusts color balance without changing the luminance. Works a little like the built incolor balance filter as well as the Quicktime RGB filter, but much better and moreintuitive than both.

Color Balance 3-way
As above but with separate controls for shadows, midtones and highlights. Similar to thecolor balance tool found in many image manipulation tools for stills.

Generates a digital clock, for countdowns or whatever. The update adds millisecondsto the display. I suggest you crop the frame to select the number of decimals you need.The clock doesn't animate on its own, so you have to keyframe the 'seconds' slider. Ithought that would be the most flexible way of handling this..

Scratch Removal
Removes vertical scratches from old and damaged film. Move the sliders (you canenter fractions by hand for fine tuning) until the guide covers the scratch and thenuncheck the guide box. Scratches like these are often stationary but otherwise thefilter is completely keyframeable.

Anamorphic Squeeze
The benefit of doing this using a filter is that the letterbox area becomes usablefor other filters applied to the same clip, such as Timecode Reader. This is notthe case when you use the anamorphic checkbox or the motion settings. Make sure youundo any other squeeze before applying this.

Shadow/Highlight Gamma
Applies gamma correction to the highlights and shadows independently. Originally designed to correctthe excessive contrast often found in film material transfered on a film chain, but feel free to useit whichever way you want.

Black & White
Offers more control over the conversion to black & white than simple desaturation. Use it to emulate different b&w filmstocks as well as camera filters. I like to use 50% red and 50% green and lose the blue altogether for that orange filter look.

Chroma Resample
Resamples the chroma channel using FCP's bicubic interpolation instead of Quicktime's built in nearest neighbor algorithm. Makes keying a lot easier and generally improves the image, especially if used with the Black & White or Fast Deinterlace filters.

Silk stocking, Soft Filter, ProMist, LoCon, Diffusion and so on -- this filter does it. Just experiment with the settings. Normal, Overlay and Screen seems to be the most useful transfer modes, but don't let that stop you.

Speeder III
Speed ramping tool. Ramps by keyframing the frame number or progress percentage. Works on the clip it's applied to, but if you want to change the duration you can apply it to a scrap clip and drop the clip to ramp in the source clip box.

Fast Deinterlace
Same as the built in, but it renders more than twice as fast. And now it shouldn't destroy the last line of video as it sometimes did before.

Black Restore
If you've lost the blacks for some reason, like video noise, bad telecine or dirty VHS heads, or even because of some filter you applied, this one's for you. It gives the image its punch back, with deeper blacks and better saturation in dark colors, without changing the brightness of the rest of the image.

Blend Fields
This does the exact same thing as the famous 'double deinterlace filmlook method,' but it renders *a lot* faster.

Well, mosaic.

Reduce Flicker
Same as Blend Fields, but only blends where there's interlace artifacts. Useful for removing flicker in text and still images while preserving as much sharpness as possible.

RGB Gamma
A simple but effective color corrector.

Types the letters one at a time. Uses keyframes to control the speed, which allows for a more 'real' and 'natural' typing look. Try it with the Harting font.

Wind Blur/Cross
This is a regular wind blur that is much, much faster than the built in one, due to the slight limitation that it only supports two directions, vertical and horizontal. It works both as a filter and as a transition.