🛒 CashFlow 101 + 202 CashFlow 101 + 202 Cashflow 202 Cashflow for Kids https:/. CASHFLOW Classic is the free online investing game that makes learning to invest fun. We believe the best way to learn isn’t done reading textbooks or listening to lectures. We believe the best learning is accomplished by doing the real thing. Flow Free is a simple yet addictive puzzle game with neon color.
After playing Cashflow 101 and 102 for a few years now, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that you can actually play for free, online. Just go to the Rich Dad site and click on Cashflow.
Update – I didn’t find the link on the home page, but you can get to the game here: https://webgame.richdad.com. If you don’t have an account on the site, go to the homepage and create one. It’s free. Then you should be able to play the Cashflow game for free.
I like Cashflow because it actually teaches people about how to manage their finances. Many people like to write off games as a waste of time, but they are actually a powerful learning tool. We automatically play games the way we play life. So, when we learn how to play a game better, it changes the way we act in life.
I have heard many stories about accountants and CFO’s who are great at managing their client’s and their employer’s finances, but act completely differently with their own money. They make sure that their company is running a positive cash flow, but they use credit cards to buy whatever they want for themselves. Their employer is in a strong financial position, but they are loaded up with debt.
I think a game like Cashflow is a good way to change this. Reading books and listening to CD’s is good, but it is even better to interact. Interaction through games allows us to process what we a learning on a deeper level. It allows us to absorb new knowledge and grow faster.
Another interesting thing about the game is that it teaches us that the lower our salary, the easier it is to retire. This is the exact opposite of the way that most people think about active income. If you suggest that it is easier to retire on a janitor’s salary than on a CEO’s, people will look at you like you are crazy. But I think that it is true.

Retirement, or financial freedom, is defined as passive income being greater than monthly expenses. So, if a janitor makes $1,200 per month, he only needs $1,200 of passive income to retire. Now, consider a CEO who’s salary is $50,000 per month. He would need to make $50,000 per month in passive income to retire. Which do you think is more difficult?
I think this is an important concept because most people with low salaries feel that they are at some kind of disadvantage. I don’t agree. Pretty much everyone I know spends as much money as they make, and usually a little more. It’s the American Way. This is just as true for people who are making minimum wage as it is for executives making 6 figures annually.

Kingdom come deliverance console commands add lockpicks. Anyway, that’s some random thoughts on Cashflow and passive income. Enjoy the game!
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